On Sunday I leave Llanberis for an eight day trip to Lofoten. Hopefully the weather will be a tad better than it has been of late in Scotland.
As far as i know there are 20 guests and 20 Norwegian climbers meeting with strict instructions to bring a mighty trad rack, a lot of energy, big kahunas/ovaries, a strong ground up and adventure ethic and definitely no bolts. The e-mail inviting me to this gathering made me laugh. It stated that this is an elitist avent. Not very BMC, but hopefully a whole lot of fun. All food and accommodation and a boat are included. And to top that DMM and their Norwegian distributors Norsk Fjellsport have paid for my flight… Nice one. Cheers guys.
Joining me from Britain will be Andy Turner, Pete Benson and cameraman Lukasz Warzecha. Climb magazine have asked me to write something and looking at the film in the link below there should be plenty to go at and write about.